Feb 19, 2025  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog 
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Grading Policies


The “I” (Incomplete) is assigned when the student, as a result of illness, an unusual or mitigating situation, or some other acceptable circumstance beyond the student’s control has not completed the work of the course, provided the student is otherwise passing. The student has full responsibility for documenting the extenuating circumstance. The “I” grade is not to be used to help a student pass a course.

All Incompletes shall be removed within six (6) weeks of the next semester in which the student is enrolled - except by approved extension of time. If the Incomplete is not removed within the specified time frame, the un-removed “I” converts to a grade of “F”.

The Incomplete is a non-punitive grade that is not included in the computation of semester and cumulative averages. A special form for the removal of “Incomplete” grades are available to faculty members through the Office of the Registrar.

All changes of “I” grades must be signed by the faculty, Department Head and the School Dean. “I” Grades must be accompanied by record book evidence of completion of incomplete class work. Once approved by the Dean this information is to be submitted to the Office of Academic Affairs for approval by the Vice President for Academic Affairs. the Registrar. The Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs is responsible for submitting the grade change to the Registrar’s Office for processing. All Departments must document and keep file copies of grade changes for each faculty member.

Grade Changes

Permanent grades can be changed in cases of mistakes in calculating or recording the original grade. To change a permanent grade, the faculty member, teaching the course, must submit the grade change request to the respective Department Head for approval of the Dean. Final approval is from the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Change requests must be accompanied by record book evidence of the mistakes in calculation and/or recording of the original incorrect grade (before the grade change) and revised corrected grade change. Grade changes must be completed within four weeks of having the grade assigned. The Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs is responsible for submitting the grade change to the Registrar’s Office for processing.

Grade Appeals

A student who feels that the grade he/she received in a class is unfair has the right to appeal the grade. Grade appeals, regardless of their nature, must be initiated no later than the four weeks after the final grade. All grade appeals must be submitted in writing and accompanied by supporting documentation, including but not limited to syllabus, written correspondences, and/or work samples. The grade appeal process is between 6 - 8 weeks.

Instructions for filing the grade appeal

The student can obtain a Grade Appeal form from the Office of Academic Affairs. A Grade Appeal request must include (1) a letter explaining the exact nature and circumstances of the appeal, (2) any supporting documentation to support the student’s claim and (3) the student’s signature, acknowledging that they have read and understand the Grade Appeal Policy. Completed Grade Appeal packets are submitted to the Office of Academic Affairs and forwarded to the Department that houses the course for which the grade appeal is requested (ex: MAT 111 is housed in the Department of Health Human and Life Sciences). Once the grade appeal is submitted, the student can no longer submit additional documentation for review. The Department Head is responsible for giving the course professor the grade appeal packet for review.  

Review and Decision Procedures

The review and decision procedure include four levels of review. The teaching faculty member will review the appeal, provide a decision and meet with the student to discuss. This is followed by a review from the Department Head who will also review and provide a decision. The Department Head will meet with the student before forwarding the decision to the School Dean. Only the student can stop the review process at any level between the faculty member and the Dean. If the decision is to approve the grade appeal the review process stops and a change of grade is submitted. If the decision of the Dean is to deny the grade appeal, the packet along with evidence from the faculty member, Department Head and/or Dean is submitted to Academic Affairs for the review by the Grade Appeal Committee. The Grade Appeal Committee meets once per month, as needed to review grade appeals and submits findings to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The Vice President for Academic Affairs ensures academic integrity and policy. After final review by the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the student and all members of the review process are notified of the final decision. Approved grade appeals along with change of grade documents are submitted to the Office of the Registrar for processing.


See Appendix I: Grade Appeal Form & Process