Mar 31, 2025  
2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog 
2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Withdrawal from the University


A withdrawal from the University is defined as leaving the University by dropping all classes after having paid registration fees. Students initiate the process by obtaining a University Withdrawal form from the Registrar. However, no withdrawal may be initiated after the last day of classes of any semester and must be completed before the beginning of the final examination period. Consult the schedule of classes for detailed instructions and deadlines. The Registrar’s Office will determine the effective date of the withdrawal.


  1. Obtain withdrawal form for Registrar’s Office
  2. Obtain signature from the Counseling Center. (Counseling Center will advise student regarding process.)
  3. Obtain signature of Division Head or advisor of declared major. Undeclared major should obtain signature from Academic Advising Center.
  4. On campus students must obtain the signature of Residence Life.
  5. Obtain the signature of Financial Aid.
  6. Obtain the Bursar’s signature.
  7. Freshmen must obtain the Freshman Coordinator’s signature.
  8. Submit withdrawal form to the Registrar’s Office for final processing.
  9. The Registrar’s Office will affix the official date of withdrawal and notify the faculty and administration of the student’s effective withdrawal date. If adjustments are made to the student’s charges and/or financial award, the student will be mailed an updated award letter and/or a copy of his or her current charges by the appropriate office.

Until the student completes these procedures, he or she is not officially withdrawn from the University and will be held responsible for all applicable fees and all academic requirements incurred during the semester. Students who withdraw from the University will receive a “W” in all classes enrolled.

The completed form must be left with the Office of Records and Registration for proper distribution and filing. A student who discontinues attendance in a single course or leaves the University without withdrawing will receive a failing grade of “F” or “Z” for each course the student failed to attend.

If withdrawal occurs prior to the first day of classes, a student may receive a 100% refund for the fall and spring semesters for tuition, room and board, and miscellaneous fees.

Students who withdraw completely from the University prior to completing 60% of the day in a given semester are refunded a percentage of tuition and mandatory fees paid. It is the student’s responsibility to complete the withdrawal form within the refund period.

Students who withdraw after completing 60% of the semester period are not entitled to a refund of any portion of tuition and fees. The refund will equal to that portion of the period of enrollment (up to the 60% point (in time) during the semester) for which the student has been charged. Refund calculations are based on the sixty percent (60%) point (in time) in a given semester.

The refund for the Summer Semester is 75% during the first week, with no refund after that. A student may withdraw from the University until the last day of classes. Once registered for the semester, any student who chooses not to attend classes, for any reason, must officially inform the University. Withdrawal requires that the student give verbal or written notification and complete the forms and conferences required.

*Note: The University Will Continue To Apply The Refund Calculation Percentages (At 60%) for each semester up to and including Spring 2017 and Summer Terms 2017. Please visit the Office of Fiscal Affairs for updated versions of the Withdrawal Refund Calculations Table.

Class Attendance Policy

Class attendance is required for all Shaw University students. Each student is allowed as many unexcused absences per semester as the class meets per week. For example, in a three-credit hour course, which meets three times per week, the student is allowed three unexcused absences per semester. Students are allowed two unexcused absences per semester for classes that meet twice per week. For classes that meet once per week, students are allowed only one unexcused absence.

Student Responsibility

Students are responsible for attending class on time and adhering to the University’s Class Attendance Policy. Students are expected to attend all classes and not be absent without adequate cause. It is the responsibility of students to make-up, in a timely fashion, scheduled class work missed because of a class absence(s). Absence from unannounced quizzes, tests and other assignments may be made up at the discretion of the faculty member. Students who exceed the maximum number of absences may receive a failing grade for the course.

Faculty Responsibility

Faculty are required to notify all students of the University’s class attendance policy and to enforce the policy. Each faculty member will explain the attendance requirements at the beginning of the semester and include these requirements in the course syllabus issued to students. Student absences will be reported to the Department Chair through the submissions of class attendance records.

Implementation Procedures

A listing of students representing the University on official business will generally be distributed to faculty by the Vice President for Student Affairs. This roster is an official excused absence for each student on the list. Students who obtain legitimate excuses for representing the University on official business will be afforded an opportunity to make up missed work without penalty.


Faculty will take class attendance each time that the class meets, maintain accurate attendance records on each student and remind students of the class attendance policy periodically.

Once students have received one less than the maximum number of unexcused absences, the faculty will inform the students of such and advise them of consequences of further absences.

If students continue to be absent from class, that is, accumulate a total of unexcused absences exceeding the number of class meetings per week, they may receive a grade of “F”.

Excused absences will be provided in the case of sickness, death in the immediate family, participation in required school activities, and emergency situations as determined by the Division Head, the Vice President for Student Affairs, or the University Nurse. In all of the above cases, proper documentation must be presented. Proper documentation includes a written statement from the appropriate health-care official(s), funeral director, agency representative, etc.

All requests for excused absences must be in the offices of the Vice President for Student Affairs, the University Nurse and/or the Division Head within 48 hours of the occasion necessitating the excuse.

Excuses required because of official University representation will be submitted for approval to the Vice President for Student Affairs by the staff person associated with the University activity.

Each Shaw University student is expected to strive for perfect (100%) class attendance. While perfect attendance alone does not guarantee academic success, non-class attendance ensures academic failure.