Feb 19, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

General Education and Graduation Requirements


Shaw University awards the Bachelor of Arts degree, the Bachelor of Social Work and the Bachelor of Science degree. 

Candidates for the bachelor’s degree must satisfactorily complete a minimum of 120 academic credits, which must include all required courses of the University Core, Department Core and the student’s major area(s). A minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00 (or “C”) must be met by each candidate for the baccalaureate degree(s).

The Division of Social Sciences,  Religious Studies, and the Arts affords students who were previously enrolled in continuing education courses through the Shaw Divinity School to matriculate as undergraduate students provided they have a high school diploma or the GED. These students may earn the appropriate Bachelor’s degree. Upon graduation with a Bachelor’s degree, these students may choose to pursue the Master of Divinity degree (see the graduate catalog for specific details).

The student should file the required Application for Graduation with his/her academic advisor during the semester prior to the semester of graduation. Deadlines are published in the Academic Calendar .

Each candidate is required to satisfactorily complete at least 25% of the minimum credit hours for each degree program in residence at Shaw University as an officially enrolled student for the Bachelor’s degree. Also, he/she must successfully complete all required examinations, projects and assignments.

A student may set their own timetable for graduation by progressing at different paces. It is possible for a student to meet the requirements of a chosen major and accumulate the required credit hours and grade point average in less than four years, resulting in early graduation; or a student may take five or more years, resulting in late graduation.

Graduation with Honors

Bachelor’s degrees with Latin honors are awarded to students who have earned 50 or more semester hours in residence at Shaw University, in accordance with the following scale:

3.75 - 4.00 summa cum laude
3.50 - 3.74 magna cum laude
3.25 - 3.49 cum laude

All hours attempted at Shaw University are included in the grade point computation for honors.

Second Bachelor’s Degree

A student may receive a second baccalaureate degree provided that the student: (1) satisfies the requirements for the major, the requirements of the University Core and the Departmental Core for the first and second degrees; and (2) satisfactorily completes at least 30 additional semester hours in residence (or a minimum total of 150 semester hours), as required in singular majors. Courses that are common to both majors are counted toward satisfying the requirements of both.

The University General Education Core Curriculum


The Shaw University Core Curriculum represents the University’s General

Education requirements. Based on the University’s Mission Statement and Expanded Statement of Purpose, the General Education requirements provides the foundation for students to “value life-long learning, leadership and service,” be “broadly educated in the liberal arts and sciences,” as well as the ability to function in an ever-changing global environment.  


The aim of the General Education curriculum is to provide the educational foundation for students to succeed in their degree program, develop transferable and marketable skills, and the ability to apply those skills in real world settings. The program is designed to not only build competencies that studies have shown employers want, but which are also critical in an ever-changing and expanding global and technological environment.  The curriculum also aspires to cultivate knowledge essential to functioning as a responsible citizen, and to stimulate values that are vital for a fulfilled life.


With that in mind, the university has adopted eight competencies for the General Education Program. Upon completion of their degree program, students will be able to demonstrate proficiency in:


1) Reasoning and Discourse:  Reasoning and Discourse, supports the effective use of the English language, writing and speaking with clarity, coherence, and persuasiveness through the use of different types of communication appropriate in professional and academic settings. Students will develop the ability to utilize technology and appropriate resources to identify, locate, evaluate effectively, and use the information from various print and electronic sources.


2) Computational Reasoning:  Computational Reasoning, supports the comprehension and use of mathematical concepts and methods to interpret and critically evaluate data and to effectively problem-solve in a variety of contexts demanding quantitative literacy. Students will demonstrate competence in computer literacy, including fundamental concepts of computing and fluency in the use of contemporary computing and information technology.


3) Foundational, Health and Physical Fitness Studies: Foundational, Health, and Physical Fitness Studies, supports the importance and identification of a commitment to life-long learning and life-long health. Students will define and develop a personal plan for life-long learning and health.


4) Historical, Civic, Social, and Ethical Perspectives:  Historical, Civic, Social and Ethical Perspectives, supports an understanding of the central events and institutions of world civilizations within the larger historical context and show the relevance of those historical events to contemporary issues and problems and an understanding of principles of normative and non-normative ethical theories. Students will understand and make use of the differences among various political structures and the role of individual and corporate civic engagement. Students will interpret and apply the principles of normative and non-normative ethical theories in decision-making activities, including case studies and contemporary social issues.


5) Humanities and Global Perspectives: Humanities and Global Perspectives, supports a richer understanding of the human condition. Students will compare and interpret the aesthetic dimension of human experience, the artistic expressions of human experience, and the role and value of the fine arts in society and culture. Students will show and evaluate the roles that religions and religious expression have played throughout human cultures in history.


6) Natural or Physical Science Perspectives: Natural and Physical Science Perspectives, supports the comprehension and use of natural and physical scientific concepts and methods. Students will interpret and critically evaluate data for effective problem-solving in a variety of contexts demanding quantitative literacy.


University General Education Core Curriculum Requirements Credits

Reasoning and Discourse

English Composition[i] (Nine credits)

ENG 111 College English and Composition (3) and

ENG 112 College Composition and Rhetoric (3) and

ENG 213 College Composition and Literature (3)

Oral Communication        (Three Credits)                                                        

COM 205 Fundamentals of Human Speech (3) or

COM 210. Public Speaking (3)


Computational Reasoning (Nine credits)

Mathematics[ii]         (Six Credits)

MAT 111 General Math I (3) and

MAT 112 General Math II (3)


MAT 113 Intermediate Algebra (3) and

MAT-115 Precalculus (4)

*Computer Science majors should enroll in MAT 113 and MAT 115.


MAT 120 Math for Elementary Teachers I (3) and

MAT 121 Math for Elementary Teachers II (3)

*Only Education majors may take MAT-120 and 121 to meet the Computational Reasoning Mathematics requirement.


Technology[iii]        (Three Credits)                                    

CIS 101 Concepts of Computers (3) or

CIS 102 Introduction to Swift & Apple Technology (3) or

EDU 101 Basic Instructional Technology for Teachers (3)

* EDU 101 is for Education Majors only


Foundational Studies   (One credit)                                            

OAS 100 College Success (New Freshmen) (1) or

OAS 101 Transfer Success (Transfer Students) (1) or

OAS 102 Adult Education Success (Adult Degree Students) (1)

Health and Physical Fitness (Three credits)

HPE 101 Health and Fitness (3)


Historical, Civic, Social and Ethical Perspectives (Three Credits)                                       

HIS 115 World Civilization (3) or

HIS 203 African American History I (3) or

HIS 204 African American History II (3) or

INT 252 International Relations (3) or   

POL 150 Introduction to Political Science (3) or

POL 201 U.S. Government (3) or

POL 210 Comparative Politics (3) or

POL 230 American State and Local Government (3) or

SSC 115 Introduction to Social Science (3) or

SOW 210 Introduction To Social Work (3) or

CRJ 201 Comparative Criminal Justice Systems (3) or

PSY 201 Introduction to Psychology (3) or

SOC 211 Introduction to Sociology (3)


Ethical Perspectives (Three Credits)                                  

ETH 215 Cross Cultural Ethics of Responsibility (3)


Humanities and Global Perspectives (Six Credits)   

Humanities Elective from the following list (Three Credits)                                      

HUM 201 Introduction to African-American Humanities (3) or

HUM 210 Survey of the Arts (3) or

MUS 225 Music Appreciation (3) or

MUS 227 African American Music (3) or

ENG 211 Introduction to World Literature (3)


Global Perspectives (Three Credits)

REL 225 Introduction to Religion (3) or

REL 234 World Religions (3) or

REL 235 Bible (3) or

REL 295 African American Religion (3)


Natural or Physical Science Perspectives (Three-Four Credits)  

NOTE: Biology placement dependent on student’s major.                                   

BIO 111 Introduction to Biological Science (3)

* Social Work majors should enroll in BIO-111

BIO 112 & 113 General Biology/Lab

BIO 114 & 115 Principles of Biology I & Lab (4)

* Biology majors should enroll in BIO-114 & 115 (4)

CHE 112 & 122 Principles of Chemistry & Lab (4)

PHY 112 Introduction to Physical Science (3)


Total General Education Requirement Credits    40-41 


[i] All students must take ENG 111, ENG 112, and ENG 213 unless credit is earned at another institution or if one or more of the following applies: If students passed the ENG Language AP test (score of 3 or higher) they earned credit for ENG 111 (three credits). If students passed the ENG Literature AP test (score of 3 or higher) they earned credit for ENG 213 (three credits). If students passed the IB test (score of 5 or higher), they earned credit for ENG 111, ENG 112, and ENG 213 (for a total of nine credits earned).

[ii] Most students will take both Math courses. However, students may place out of one or both of the courses depending on the evaluation of their aptitude and prior education. This evaluation will be done by the Math faculty. MAT 120 and MAT 121 are for Education majors only.

[iii] Most students will take CIS 101. However, students who are already adept with computers may elect to take a test administered by the Computer Science faculty, receive a certificate, and take CIS 120 instead.


NOTE: Each student is responsible for the total content of the curriculum(s) existing at the time of admission, readmission, or change of major, except for returning students who were inactive from enrollment less than one academic year. A student may elect to change a major at any time, with approval of the student’s advisor. If a student withdraws from the University and remains inactive from enrollment for two semesters, or longer, he/she shall be required to fulfill the General Education requirements in place at the time of their return to the university. 

An exception will be made for those students who have previously earned sixty (60) credits or more, or who have completed seventy-five percent (75%) or more of the General Education requirements in place at the time of their previous enrollment at the university. Such students will have the option to either (1) complete their original General Education requirements in full, or (2) to complete the current General Education requirements in full. Those students must indicate their chosen course of action at the time of their re-admittance to the university and will not be allowed to change that selection once their course of study has re-commenced.

The policies, guidelines, and requirements stated in this catalog are effective immediately and apply without exception to each student currently enrolled.

Transfer Credits for Current Shaw Students

For a currently enrolled Shaw student to pursue courses of any type, at another institution, for transfer credit towards a Shaw degree, the student must obtain, in advance of registration for such course(s), written approval from his or her advisor, and Division Head. Credits are processed and entered on the student’s transcript showing course names, descriptive titles, and credit hours per course. Grades are not transferable and are not recorded or computed in the student’s grade point average (GPA). Shaw University is a member of a six member Cooperating Raleigh Colleges (CRC) consortium. This membership also includes Meredith College, William Peace University, Saint Augustine’s University, Wake Technical Community College and North Carolina State University, through which the use of their respective facilities is coordinated.

Each semester, students in approved programs leading to degrees in any one of these institutions have the opportunity to select and register for courses from the combined courses offered at CRC schools, provided the course is not offered at their home institution. This privilege is subject to the regulations of the school in which the student is currently enrolled. Even though credits earned in the CRC program are not considered to be transfer credits, written permission, on forms provided, is required in all cases prior to registration at a CRC institution. CRC course credits are recorded and computed the same as courses pursued at Shaw University.

Major Defined

A major or subject of academic study chosen as a field of specialization is offered only through an academic division. The credit hours or courses that constitute each major are determined by the faculty of the academic division and approved by the academic council.

In each major or degree program, the Division Head will assign responsibility for program coordination and curricular development and review to a full-time faculty person who is academically qualified in the field. All majors are to be evaluated annually by the Division Head and program review/curriculum committee for quality and need. The results of the evaluation, with appropriate recommendations, are to be submitted to the Vice President for Academic Affairs.