Feb 19, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Academic Misconduct and Disruptive Behavior

Academic Misconduct

Shaw University seeks to empower students with a sense of moral purpose based on Christian principles that provide guidance for intellectural and personal growth. Paramount to this belief is academic integrity. Academic integrity is the ethical policy or moral code that governs all levels of education centered on honest and responsible scholarship. It means doing the right thing even when no one is looking. Students are expected to maintain high ethical standards in their coursework and does not condone academic dishonesty

Informal Cases:

Formal Cases:

  • Cheating
  • Fabrication / Falsification
  • Plagiarism
  • Collusion


         Additional cases which may also be referred include:


  • The accused student has a prior record of Academic Dishonesty


  • The allegation of Academic Dishonesty is egregious or


  • The accused student denies responsibility for the alleged violation


The professor completes and submits the Academic Misconduct Incident Report to the Office of Academic Affairs, their Department Head and School Dean. The Vice President for Academic Affairs or designee will review the incident report and evidence. The VPAA may also conduct a more thorough investigation overseen by Student Judicial Services who can interview witnesses.  Based on evidence obtained, formal charges may be filed against the student. The charge letter will be sent to the student’s University e-mail account. Students are given 72 hours to reply to the charges in writing and to make an appointment with the VPAA or designee to discuss the charges. During the initial meeting with the VPAA or the VPAA’s designee, the allegations and all documents will be reviewed and discussed with the student. The student may accept responsibility for the alleged violation, thereby waiving his/her right to a hearing. In doing so, the student accepts the sanctions deemed appropriate by the VPAA.

A case will be referred to a reviewing board:

  • If the student refuses to accept responsibility for the alleged violation or desires to have the case heard by the Academic Standards Committee and or Judicial Affairs.
  • If the case involves a victim, repeat offenses and/or particularly egregious cases of Academic Misconduct. Cases that involve other violations of the University Honor Code will be referred to Student Judicial Affairs for additional review and possible additional sanctions.

The decision of which board shall hear the case is made by the Office of Academic Affairs. If the case goes to a Hearing Board (Academic Standards Committee and/or Judicial Affairs), official notice regarding the time, date, location of the board hearing and a reiteration of the charges will be communicated to the student in writing to his/her Shaw e-mail. This e-mail will also include the names of possible hearing body members. The notice will be delivered at least 72 hours before the date of the hearing to allow the accused student adequate time to prepare for the hearing. Hearings for alleged violations must occur within 30 business days of the alleged violation (excluding break periods and periods when class is not in session) except in situations necessitating an investigation, or cases involving local, state, or federal authorities. Once the case is heard through the meeting with the VPAA and/or designee or are referred to the Hearing Board (Academic Standards Committee and/or Student Judicial Affairs) the student will be notified in writing of the outcome. The outcome notification will include the decision and sanctions applied (if appropriate).


Disruptive Behavior in the Classroom

Academic excellence demands that appropriate behavior and decorum be maintained by Shaw University students at all times. Any behavior that interferes or interrupts educational activities or infringes on the rights and privileges of others, or interferes with faculty or staff engaged in the teaching process will not be tolerated (see Code of Conduct). Disruptive behavior is defined as any behavior that causes disorder, disruption or turmoil to exist in the classroom. It includes but is not limited to conduct, dress, unauthorized use of technology or failure to adhere to campus rules, regulations, policies or procedures. Faculty members will report students found to be engaging in disruptive behavior in the classroom. Disruptive student reports involving violence, coercion or threats will be processed through the University’s Office of Judicial Services and reported to Campus Policy and Security.

The faculty member will make every effort to control disruptive behavior in their classroom. If the disruptive behavior continues, the professor will instruct the student(s) involved to leave the class. The faculty member will complete a Disruptive Student Report for submission to the Office of Academic Affairs, their Department Head and School Dean. The student will be notified that a Disruptive Behavior Report has been filed against them and schedule a time a meet with the Department Head before the next class meeting. The Department Head will meet with both the student and faculty member, separately, to offer a resolution.

  • If a resolution is accepted, the student may return to class.
  • If the resolution is not accepted, a mediator will be called to resolve the issue and/or academic accommodations will be made for the student to complete the course.

Recurrence of disruptive behavior by the student may result in a withdrawal from the class or a final grade of “F”.


See Appendix II: Academic Misconduct Incident Report & Process  

See Appendix III: Disruptive Behavior (Classroom) Report & Process