Sep 14, 2024  
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog 
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

General Student Information

Shaw University: A Living/Learning Community

The James E. Cheek Learning Resources Center

The James E. Cheek Learning Resources Center, named in recognition of the seventh president of Shaw University, was dedicated in 1969. The Learning Resources Center (LRC), located on the central campus serves as Shaw University’s main campus library for undergraduate and graduate research. Specialized collections supporting academic programs are: The G. Franklin Wiggins Library that supports the Graduate School of Divinity and the Curriculum Materials Center (CMC) that supports the Department of Education. The main campus library also maintains resource centers at nine distant learning sites throughout the state of North Carolina for the Centers for Alternative Programs in Education (CAPE).

The Cheek Learning Resources Center’s collection includes over 94,000 circulating books, 3000 reference books, and a collection of 510 videos and DVDs. Access to 119 electronic databases is provided through NC Live including 5,059 audiovisual items and 7,421 full-text journal articles. NC Live also provides user access to 60 electronic reference books which support the Gale Virtual Reference Library. A computer lab equipped with 20 computers and a printer is also located on the second floor of the Cheek library. The library also has 14 additional computers located in the first floor Reading Room of the Cheek Library. Shaw University provides distance learning students at remote sites with access to all resources of the main campus library including electronic databases, full text journals, newspapers and electronic books. The Curriculum Materials Center Education Library maintains a collection of over 10,000 volumes that include books, teaching aids, lesson plans, audiovisual materials, curriculum guides, North Carolina classroom projects, periodicals, and a variety of non-print materials that support the education program. Additional access is provided to the resources of the Cheek main campus library which includes access to 30,723 electronic books provided through NCLIVE. The Curriculum Materials Center library is also equipped with 8 computers, a printer and 2 scanners. The G. Franklin Wiggins Library houses a collection of over 15,000 volumes of professional, reference, and general books for the Shaw Divinity School. The collection also includes periodicals, microfilm, audio tapes of sermons, videos and newspapers. Access to a full range of electronic periodicals and resources is provided through the American Theological Library Association (ATLA) database and the Cheek main campus library databases and resources. The Wiggins Library is also equipped with 4 computers and a printer. Through cooperative agreements, Shaw University graduate students and faculty are provided with access to additional reference and specialized program resources at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary Library and Duke University Divinity School Library. The Shaw Divinity School also has a satellite or additional library at the High Point CAPE site. This site houses approximately 2,000 books and provides computer access to all Shaw University resources.

The two special collections of African-American resources are the Mollie Houston Lee (1800 volumes) and John Wilson Fleming (3200 volumes) collections. These collections are located on the second floor of the library in the Reference department. They include fiction, biographies, literary criticisms, anthropologies and other resource materials by and about African-Americans, as well as Africans across the Diaspora.

The University Archives, a division of the library located on the first floor of the Cheek Learning Resources Center is the depository for records having research or historical value and also includes records transferred to its custody. The University Archives houses rare books, manuscripts, documents of members of the academic and administrative staff and records of faculty and student organizations.

The Reference Services Department, located on the second floor of the Cheek Library is responsible for assisting the university’s community with accessing information needs both electronically and in print format. Materials in this collection are non-circulating; however, a coin operated copy machine is conveniently located on the Reference floor.

The Public Services/Circulation Department of the library caters to the borrowing and lending needs of all library users. This department is responsible for transactions involving the general book collection, inter-library loan, reserved instructional materials and non-book resources such as videos, audio and media equipment. The Circulation Department is also responsible for providing support in the use of media equipment.

Information literacy is defined as “the ability to know when there is a need for information, to be able to identify, locate, evaluate, and effectively use that information for the issue or problem at hand.” Each semester, library orientation and Information Literacy instruction is provided for freshman, new students and distance learning students. Bibliographic Instruction is also provided for classes in all disciplines. The types of instructional training include: group instruction; individual instruction and online tutorial training. Sessions include step-by-step guides for writing research papers; citation resources; plagiarism; locating books in the Library of Congress Classification system and searching for journals and articles via NCLIVE.

Ask-A-Librarian Service is a new reference feature that offers research assistance via e-mail. Students, faculty and staff may email the library with reference questions and receive an online response within 24 hours.

For more information about the Shaw University libraries, visit www.

Religious Life

The University motto “pro christo et humanitate” that is interpreted “for Christ and humanity” speaks to the broader assertion that religion and learning go hand-in-hand. The University also embraces the belief that character grows with knowledge. This gives indication that spiritual growth and development is a critical part of learning at Shaw University. The University is committed to its tradition as a Christian institution. It also promotes interaction with other faith groups and it respects diversity throughout the campus community.

The University Chaplain is the key university official responsible for providing leadership in spiritual activities throughout the University. Additionally, he or she provides pastoral counseling, worship opportunities, Bible study, visitation and supervision of University Chaplain student religious organizations. The Chaplain is the spiritual advisor to the University president and provides advice on all matters that serve to enhance spiritual development, increase esprit de corps, and enhance the moral and ethical dimension throughout the campus community. The Chaplain is also responsible for forging a partnership with local churches and clergy for the purpose of creating a positive environment conducive to various expressions of faith.

The Chaplain also provides sponsorship of other activities designed to enhance spiritual development throughout the campus community. These activities include: Bible studies, seminars, religious student organizations, and an array of outreach programs.

Residence Life

The residence halls afford all students the opportunity to interact with others from varied backgrounds and in doing so broaden their own experiences. Students occupying the residence halls are expected to abide by all the regulations and policies established by the institution. Occupancy of spaces in the residence halls does not constitute ownership, but it carries with it respect for University property and respect for the rights of others.

All students must declare their housing preference as “on campus” or “off campus” at the beginning of the registration process. Official permission for residence in the dormitory cannot be granted until registration is completed. Students who are temporarily assigned to rooms who do not complete registration within the prescribed time must vacate the facility and will then be charged for the period of occupancy.

Shaw University housing staff consists of a Director, Residence Counselors, and Resident Assistants. The staff is under the direction of the Director of Student Services and is responsible for the design and implementation of a program of activities that enhances the personal growth of each resident. All rooms have telephone capabilities and are air-conditioned.

Security In Residence Halls

All exterior doors in the residence halls are equipped with alarm systems for the safety and security of the occupants. Students are required to use the front door at all times. Any student who places the lives or safety of others in jeopardy by admitting unauthorized persons through any exit or by manipulating doors so that such persons may gain entrance will be dismissed from the University.


A student who violates policy or regulations may be placed on probation, depending on the nature of the offense. During this stated time period, the student may be prohibited from participating in any social activity. *See also the Student Handbook.

Experiential Learning and Career Development Center

The mission of the Experiential Learning and Career Development Center is to provide centralized, comprehensive and progressive programs, services and resources in preparing students to achieve meaningful and successful career development. Assistance is also available to alumni of the University.

The Career Development Center is customer focused and centralizes the functions of off-campus student employment (full-time employment, summer jobs, internships, part-time employment, and post-graduation employment) and career counseling. Individuals who are formally enrolled in a degree program at Shaw University or who are Shaw graduates are eligible to use the facilities, programs and services of the Center.

Counseling Center

Mobile Unit # 744
919-546-8525 main

Regular Hours: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Monday-Friday

Call to schedule appointments after 5:00pm


The Counseling Center’s focus is to maintain the emotional and psychological wellbeing of our students.  In order for our students to succeed in their chosen fields of study they have to be free of emotional and psychological distress.  Stress, depression, relationship issues, and dependencies are major factors in our students’ failure to compete academically.  The Counseling Center endeavors to plan, organize, implement and evaluate programs that provide for personal-social counseling, referral services and general guidance that helps to prepare and accommodate students to college life and ultimately retention and graduation.  The Counseling Center is committed to providing confidential services for our diverse population who otherwise might not have or take the opportunity to receive these services.


To attain the outcomes identified in the mission statement, the Counseling Center established the following goals:

  • Expand current programs to insure that all students are served.
  • Provide ongoing information to students in order to help them make informed decisions regarding emotional and psychological issues that confront them.
  • Provide direct services for substance abuse.
  • Provide services and support groups to assist the student community in coping and survival skills.
  • Increase effectiveness of Disability Services.
  • Increase outreach services to enhance and increase visibility of the Counseling Center.
  • Continue to upgrade and utilize technology to support student learning outcomes.
  • Implement the use of a satisfaction survey to monitor student satisfaction.

Develop new positive lifestyles without the use of drugs and alcohol.


  • Individual Counseling
  • Support Groups
  • Student Disability Services
  • Workshops
  • Assessments
  • Substance Abuse counseling
  • Peer Educators

Individual Counseling:  Confidential counseling is provided for students who have personal concerns, difficulties adjusting to the college and other stressors with daily living.  Individual counseling is short-term in nature.  Services are available if long-term treatment is necessary.

Support Groups:  Support groups are available on a continual and as-needed basis.  Students can request for specific support groups to be implemented.

Student Disability Services:  The mission of the Disability Services Program is to offer quality services and reasonable and effective accommodations to students with disabilities to enhance their academic success, participation in educational programs, and quality of campus life.  Shaw University does not discriminate in the recruitment, admission, educational process, or treatment of disabled individuals, pursuant to the requirements of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

Shaw University makes no pre-admission inquiry about an applicant’s disability.  The University recognizes that the decision to self-identify any disability is a personal decision.  Once an applicant has been accepted, the applicant will receive a self-Identification Form and Authorization for Release of Confidential Information Form from the Counseling center.  At this point it is the student’s responsibility to advise the Counseling Center that he/she has a disability.

Shaw University is committed to the equal opportunity of education and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation or sexual preference, national origin, age or disability.

Disability Services has been established to ensure that every individual with a disability has an equal opportunity to participate in the college community. Any student or visitor with a documented disability who wishes to request appropriate accommodations may contact the Counseling Center/Disability Services Office.  For additional information, contact Mrs. Jerelene Carver, Director of the Counseling Center/Disability Services/504 Coordinator at 919-546-8525

Workshops/Seminars: Each month workshops or seminars are available for students.  Workshops vary in topics such as:  Alcohol Awareness, Stress Management, Time Management, Conflict Resolution, Healthy Lifestyle Choices, Violence Against Women and Men, Dating and relationships, Adjusting to College Life, etc.

Substance Abuse counseling will be provided in an assertive and positive effort to empower the administration, faculty, staff and students to maintain an addiction free campus.  The addiction professional will conduct workshops and provide both individual and group sessions. Shaw University has a Zero tolerance policy regarding drugs and alcohol.  Students receive optimal care, treatment, and education relevant to drug and alcohol prevention. The university also uses eCHECKUPTOGO. This program is a personalized, evidenced-based, online prevention intervention for alcohol and marijuana. This program is designed to motivate individuals to reduce their consumption using personalized information about their own drinking and risk factors. The programs were designed and are updated with the most current and reliable research available.

 Peer educators have been established to make recommendations, and provide practical strategies for greater communications among the entire campus.  Any student who violates our drug policy will be referred to our Judicial Affairs division.  For additional information, contact contact Mrs. Jerelene Carver, 919-546-8525.

Office of Violence Against Women (OVW) - Resources Intervention Services and Education (RISE)

Office on Violence Against Women Grant (OVW) the campus program has been implemented here at Shaw University to develop effective culturally-relevant campus based programming that builds upon strong campus based programming that builds upon strong campus and community partnerships with the goals of strengthening services for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking as well as promoting multifaceted prevention strategies within the campus community.


  • Use your own instinct and Judgment to protect yourself
  • Call 911, seek medical attention, and document injuries
  • Store extra money, keys, clothes, and important documents in a safe place
  • Call Interact 24 Hour Crisis line if you need help planning where to stay
  • Call Attorney or Crisis line for Legal Advice
  • Inform trusted family members, friends, and co-workers of the situation

If you have been raped or sexually assaulted: DO NOT eat, smoke, drink, shower, douche, change clothes, or use the bathroom as it may destroy the evidence.  For additional information regarding sexual misconduct, contact, Ms. Jamechya Carter-Duncan, 959-546-8203.

Campus and Community Resources for Dating Violence and Sexual Assault

Shaw University Counseling Center


Interact/24 hour Crisis Hotline

(919)828-3004 for Sexual Assault

North Carolina Coalition against Sexual Assault


Hospital/ Medical Assistance

Shaw University Student Health Center


Wake Medical Center


Rex Healthcare


Duke Raleigh Hospital


Legal and Administrative

Campus Security and Police


Wake County Sherriff Department



Standardized Instruments used, but not limited to, include the following:

  • Substance Abuse assessment and evaluation
  • Echeckuptgo
  • Substance Abuse intervention Program (SAIP)
  • Alcohol 101
  • Marijuana 101
  • College Student Inventory


The following is a list of disability-related websites and organizations intended to provide additional information to students, parents, faculty, and staff.  This list is for informational purposes only and does not guarantee the accuracy, relevancy, timeliness, or completeness of this outside information.  This is not all- inclusive and users are encouraged to research for additional information.


Disability Services Handbook

Driven to Distraction”, Ed Hallowell MD, and John Ratey MD, Pantheon

You Mean I’m Not Lazy, Stupid or Crazy?” Kate Kelly and Peggy Ramundo Tyrel and Jerem Press

National Resume Database for Students with Disabilities

Learning Disabilities Association of America

The International Dyslexia Association

National Center for Learning Disabilities

National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities

Association on Higher Education and Disability

Recordings for the Blind and Dyslexic

Fed World Home page


The World’s largest online library of information: search Substance Abuse




Mrs. Jerelene Carver, MA, AC (Administrative Certification)

Director Counseling/Disability Services

Shaw University-Division of Student Affairs

919-546-8525 (Office)

919-821-8403 (Fax)


Latisha Riley, MA, LPC-A

Counselor, Shaw University Counseling Center





Jamechya Carter Duncan, M. A

Project Coordinator, Counseling Center

Shaw University-Student Affairs

919 546-8203 (Office)

919 -821-403 (Fax)


Disability Services

Procedures for Student Disability Services


To provide a process for services to students with disabilities and receipt of appropriate accommodations to ensure equal access to educational opportunities, programs, and activities in the most integrated setting possible. Shaw University makes no pre-admission inquiry about an applicant’s disability.  The University recognizes that the decision to self-identify any disability is a personal decision.  Once an applicant has been accepted, the applicant will receive a Self-Identification Form and Authorization for Release of Confidentiality Information Form from the Counseling Center.  At this point it is the student’s responsibility to advise the Counseling Center that he/she has a disability.




The complaint process can be invoked if a student’s requested academic adjustments have been denied, not just “are not being met.” If for any reason one feels that their privacy has been compromised or if one feel that their accommodations are not being met, please inform the Disability Services office of any complaint and follow the procedures as outlined:

Step- 1 The Disability Services office will receive the complaint.

Step- 2 The Disability Services office will respond in writing within a 30 day time period from the date your complaint was received in the Disability Services office.  This time period will allow for collecting information and utilizing the investigative process to make a determination.

In an effort to provide resolution for any complaints, the University will provide prompt and equitable resolution of complaints alleging any action prohibited by Section 540 and/or Title II and will include provisions for adequate, reliable and impartial investigations of complaints including the opportunity to present witnesses and other evidence and the requirement that the investigation including witness statements, interviews, documentary evidence, and analysis of the evidence in support of the conclusion will be documented and maintained in a locked file in the Counseling Center’s records room.  


Section 504 prohibits retaliation against individuals who file complaints under these laws or participate in a complaint investigation




  1. Self-Identification Form: Voluntary procedure to disclose the type of disability and the current medical/psychiatric documentation.


  1. Authorization for Release of Information Form: Allows Shaw University to disclose confidential information only to those persons designated by the student.


  1. Disability Verification: Current documentation that states the disability.


  1. Release of Confidential Information Form: Allows Shaw University to obtain confidential information from relevant and appropriate agencies to assist in providing accommodations for students.


  1. Course Accommodation Plan:  An agreement between student and instructor to implement appropriate accommodations for class instructions.


Documentation should be current within three years, but exceptions may be necessary dependent upon the individual and disability.


Responsibilities of Students


  1. Self-identify by completing the appropriate documentation.
  2. Consult with a counselor to determine specific accommodations based on documentation.

Please fill out the following form to lodge a complaint:


Shaw University Counseling Center 118 E. South St. Raleigh, North Carolina 27601 (919) 546-8525

Complaint Process Form


An individual with a disability is defined as a person who (1) has a physical or mental impairment that substantially, limits one or more life activities, (2) has a record of such impairment or (3) is regarded as having such impairment. ADA prohibits discrimination solely on the basis of disability in employment, public services, and accommodations. The person must be otherwise qualified for the program, service, or job.


The ADA details administrative requirements, complaint procedure, and the consequences for  non-compliance related to both services and employment.  The ADA requires provision of reasonable accommodations for eligible students across educational activities and settings.  Reasonable accommodations may include, but are not limited to the redesigning of equipment, the assigning of aides, the provision of written communication in alternate formats, the modification of tests, the redesigning of services to accessible locations, the altering of existing facilities, and the adherence to accessibility guidelines for new facilities.

The complaint process can be invoked if a student’s requested academic adjustments have been denied, not just “are not being met.” If for any reason you feel that your privacy has been compromised or if you feel your accommodations are not being met, please follow the procedure as outlined below:



Phone Number_______________________________________________________________________


Professor or Individual’s Name____________________________________________________

Describe the concern: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


The Disability Services office will report back to you in writing of the outcome of the complaint within 5 business days from the date your complaint was received in the Disability Services office.  Section 504 prohibits retaliation against individuals who file complaints under these laws or participate in a complaint investigation.



Health Services

Assessment and treatment of minor illness and injury are provided for students on an outpatient basis Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. by qualified personnel in the Student Health Center. Referrals are given for specialized consultation off campus for students with other health problems. The Health Center is located on the first floor of the Men’s Residence, which is easily accessible to both on- and off-campus students.

Campus Police/Security

The Shaw University Police and Security Department supports the University’s mission statement which exists to advance knowledge, facilitate student learning and achievement, to enhance the spiritual and ethical values of its students, and to transform a diverse community of learners into future global leaders. Our vision includes the safety and security all members of the Shaw University. We exist to serve the community in a joint effort, where department members, students, faculty, staff, visitors, and neighbors of Shaw University create the reality of a safe and secure environment throughout. The mission of the Shaw University Police and Security Department is to protect life and property, to understand and serve the needs of the community, to actively seek to identify Shaw community problems, to support the University’s mission and to improve the quality of life in a multicultural community through innovative and creative measures, setting the trend for excellent service to the Shaw community while maintaining a rich history of being the first HBCU in the south founded in 1865.

Whereas Section Chapter 74G: Campus Police Act (a) of the State of North Carolina Education Code provides that the governing Board of Trustees of respective private institutions of higher education, are authorized to employ and commission campus police and security personnel for the purpose of enforcing the laws of this state. Any officer commissioned under the provisions of this section is vested with all the powers, privileges and immunities of peace officers while on the property under control and jurisdiction of the respective private institution of higher education or otherwise in the performance of his/her assigned duties. Shaw University Police are certified by the North Carolina Commission of Training and Standards and Educated according to the established training requirements of the State of North Carolina for Peace Officers, make arrests pursuant to the North Carolina Code of Criminal Procedure for crimes defined in the North Carolina Penal Code. They are supported by three non-commissioned University Service Associates and three civilian staff members.

Shaw University Police and Security Officers are on duty 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Patrol is conducted on foot and through the use of marked patrol vehicles.

The University Police and Security Department is responsible for law enforcement, security and emergency response on campus, to include property owned, leased or otherwise under the control of the University. Crimes committed on campus and suspicious incidents that pose a threat to the University community are handled effectively by our investigation division and may lead to the arrest of suspects, recovery of lost or stolen property, clearance of suspects of any wrong action, or recommendations and actions to improve the safety of the Shaw University community.

The University Police Department maintains close working relationships with the Raleigh Police Department, and Wake County Sheriff’s Office.

Shaw University complies with its reporting obligations pursuant to the Clery Act, which requires Universities to provide reported campus crime statistics, crime awareness and prevention. Any information regarding Clery Act reports and reporting may be directed to Campus Police Officer Sgt. Floyd Griffin by contacting the Department of Police and Security at (919-546-8249 or 919-546-8214) in an Emergency dial (911). Our new phone system will invoke and enhance swift response time informing communications of caller’s immediate location before, Raleigh PD communicates call.

Student Activities

The Office of Student Activities offers a variety of recreational, social, cultural, educational, developmental, and experiential activities for the entire Shaw University community. Students at Shaw University are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities. Activities offered are essential to the growth of the whole person. Participation in athletic, religious, and social activities, as well as organizations, positively impacts a student’s over all personal and professional development.

Willie E. Gary Student Center

The Willie E. Gary Student Union is open seven days a week. It is a multipurpose center. Cultural, social, and recreational activities are held in the facility. Located on the lower level are the Bookstore, Mail-room, and Bears’ Den (student game room). The Dining Hall is located on the first floor. The second floor houses the offices of the Vice President of Student Affairs, Judicial Affairs, Student Identification (IDs), Student Activities Greek Life, and the Student Government Association (SGA). The Willie E. Gary Student Union is a relaxing environment where students can socialize, play cards, host activities, have meetings, and entertain guests.

Bears’ Den

The Bears’ Den is located on the lower level of the Willie E. Gary Student Center. Students are invited to play pool, ping-pong, foosball, video games, and various board games for free. The Bears’ Den is open Monday through Friday from 3 pm-10pm.

Student Organizations

All student organizations are governed by the Office of Student Activities. Registered student organizations are defined and placed into seven different categories:

Academic Organizations - Academic organizations are designed for students interested in a particular career or academic field.

Fraternities, Sororities, and Social Fellowships - Fraternities, Sororities, and Social Fellowships are local or national, social and service-oriented organizations that work to foster the ideals of leadership, scholarship, and the development of character.

Honor Societies - Honor societies are local or national organizations that provide recognition for students with academic honors and provide service and/or leadership opportunities for academic leaders.

Religious Organizations - Religious organizations are designed to provide spiritual and religious development and support.

Service Organizations - Service organizations that provide volunteer opportunities for civic-minded students eager to serve the campus and/or community.

Special Interest Organizations - Special interest organizations provide an outlet for students to be creative and display diversity.

Athletic Organizations - Athletic organizations encourage participation in team sports, physical fitness, health and wellness, and athletic administration.

Officers of student organizations must have and maintain a cumulative 2.5 GPA in order to hold office, excluding the SGA President and Miss Shaw University positions. The SGA President must have and maintain a cumulative 2.75 GPA in order to hold office. Miss Shaw University must have and maintain a cumulative 3.0 GPA in order to hold office. Exceptions must be discussed and approved by the Office of Student Activities, in writing.

Student Government Association

The Student Government Association (SGA) is responsible for addressing student concerns, planning activities, and supervising various student committees. Executive officers are elected each year, but all currently enrolled students are considered members of the organization. Every student is encouraged to become active in student government through participating in elections, attending meetings, involving themselves on committees and contributing ideas through their elected officials. A list of officers, committees and the SGA Constitution are on file in the SGA Office and the Office of Student Activities.

Honor Societies

Alpha Chi

This is a coeducational society whose purpose is to promote academic excellence and exemplary character among college and university students and to honor those achieving such distinction. Its name derives from the initial letters of the Greek words Aletheia and Character, meaning Truth and Character. An honor society, Alpha Chi predicates its membership upon accomplishment rather than mere interest or participation. A general honor society as contrasted with a specialized one, it admits to membership students from all academic disciplines rather than a single area of study.

Alpha Epsilon Rho

This is the honor society within The National Broadcasting Society, a national organization of and for students supported by electronic media professionals. Shaw University’s chapter, established in 1975, promotes the national goal of emphasizing superior scholarship and creative participation in broadcast and corporate production and activity. Membership in Alpha Epsilon Rho exemplifies excellence of work, demonstrated leadership qualities and service to the organization, the community, and the industry.

Alpha Kappa Mu Honor Society

The Alpha Kappa Mu is an academic honor society. The purpose of the society is to promote high scholarship, to encourage sincere and zealous endeavor in all fields of knowledge and services, to cultivate a high order of personal living, and to cultivate a higher order of scholarly work and endeavor in others.

Beta Kappa Chi Honor Society

The Beta Kappa Chi is a chapter of the National Scientific Honor Society that functions under the guidance of the Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. The purpose of the Beta Kappa Chi is to encourage the advancement of scientific education through original investigations, the dissemination of scientific knowledge, and the stimulation of high scholarship in the pure and applied sciences.

Honors College Association

The Honors College Association (HCA) is the student organization within The Honors College. HCA plans a variety of special events, activities, and community service projects with the aim of enriching the academic, cultural, and social experience among Honors students at Shaw University.

Phi Alpha Honor Society

The Phi Alpha is an academic honor society for students majoring in Social Work. The purpose of Phi Alpha Honor Society is to provide a closer bond amongst these students and to promote humanitarian goals and ideals. Phi Alpha fosters high standards of education for social workers and invites into membership those who have attained excellence in scholarship and achievement in social work.

National Greek Letter Fraternities And Sororities

The University recognizes eight national groups that are a part of the National Pan-Hellenic Council: Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. (Beta Rho Chapter); Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. (Beta Rho Chapter); Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. (Delta Gamma Chapter); Omega Phi Fraternity, Inc. (Delta Psi Chapter); Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. (Alpha Rho Chapter); Phi Beta Sigma, Inc. (Iota Chapter); Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. (Iota Chapter), and Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc. (Gamma Tau Chapter).

Students seeking membership must:

  1. Have a 2.5 GPA or higher.
  2. Be of sophomore status or higher.
  3. Have been enrolled at the University for two consecutive semesters prior to application for membership (summer session excluded).
  4. Complete financial clearance.
  5. Must not have violated the student code of conduct.
  6. Must have completed “CASES” grades requirements.

The University does not allow any pledging or initiation activities for any organization. In addition, the University prohibits hazing of any type and will suspend any group not abiding by the rules and policies of the University.

Please check for regular updates and to view the Student Activities Calendar.

University Traditions

University Convocations

The University conducts at least four major assemblies during the school year. All members of the University community are expected to attend these formal gatherings. All are mandatory for freshmen, first year students and seniors matriculating in the Raleigh-Durham area.

Fall Convocation recognizes the official opening of the academic year. The University President normally speaks at this occasion.

Founder’s Day Convocation celebrates the founding of the University.

Honors Convocation recognizes and pays tribute to those persons who have excelled in curricular and extracurricular activities.

Spring Convocation affords the University an opportunity to celebrate the second part of the school year.


Homecoming is a festive occasion in which the entire campus becomes involved. It is a time when alumni of Shaw University return to the University to renew old acquaintances and enjoy the festivities of the week. Among the major attractions are the crowning of Miss Homecoming, the Homecoming Concert, a parade, the traditional football game, and a fraternity and sorority “step show.”

Founder’s Day

Shaw University was founded in 1865. This founding is celebrated annually with a Founder’s Day Convocation. The speakers chosen for this occasion are persons who have made significant contributions to society.

Coronation of Miss Shaw

The coronation of Miss Shaw University is characterized by an atmosphere of royalty, splendor, and campus unity.

Religious Emphasis Week

Religious Emphasis Week is a period when the University emphasizes the importance of religion in the growth and development of the human personality. During this week, celebrated clergy and lay persons are invited to campus to participate in interdenominational activities.

Athletic Banquet

The Athletic Banquet is an affair that honors outstanding athletes at the University. Special tributes are made during the Spring Semester.

Cultural Academic and Spiritual Enrichment Seminar (CASES)

CASES at Shaw is a program designed to expose participants to messages by outstanding community leaders. Attendance is mandatory for all freshmen and sophomores and strongly encouraged for the entire University community.

Service Awards

Service Awards are presented to members of the campus community in a special program. This is done in appreciation of meritorious and outstanding service beyond the normal or expected call of duty.

Senior Reception

Senior Reception is an annual event for graduating seniors and is hosted by the President of the Senior Class. Graduating seniors and their parents/guardians and friends join the campus community in a special night of celebration, with expressions of appreciation from the seniors to all who have contributed to their success.


Students are not allowed to participate in the commencement exercises unless they have been cleared for graduation.

Shaw University Code of Conduct

The personal conduct of a University student is subject to the moral and legal restraints found in any law-abiding community. The code of conduct is a positive force outlining the responsibility of each member of the Shaw community to uphold the standards and policies of the University plus all other guidelines that pertain to good order and human decency.