Feb 19, 2025  
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog 
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Financial Information


University Fees

The University Board of Trustees establishes tuition and fees annually. Considerable effort is made to keep increases at a minimum. Students enrolled in laboratory and applied courses may be assessed an additional fee to cover the cost of materials, individual instruction or equipment required for the course. Fees for dropping/adding/withdrawing of courses, late registration, delayed/delinquent exams or duplicate I.D. cards must be paid at the time of the transaction. These fees must be paid in advance and will not be added to the student’s account. Tuition and fee information is available online at: http://www.shawu.edu/Admissions/University_Tution_and_Fees.aspx

Payment of Fees

In order to complete registration, students must be prepared to satisfy all tuition and fees through either direct payment or financial aid. Cash, certified or cashier’s check, money order or credit card (MasterCard, Discover, American Express, or Visa) is required for direct payment.

Certified/cashier’s checks or money orders should be made payable to Shaw University. All payments sent by mail should include the student’s name and social security number.

All students are advised that the first payments received by the University will be applied to their accounts. Refunds will be processed only after obligations to the University have been satisfied.

Payments for books and supplies should be made separately from tuition and fees. Each student should be prepared to purchase textbooks and necessary supplies at the beginning of each semester. The average cost of books for a full- time student is $650 per semester; however, this may vary depending upon the course of study. The University cannot advance or lend money to students for textbook purchases. Students with excess financial aid can receive a book card to where the cost of the books is charged to their account.


The University computes its charges on a semester basis. Consequently, if the University receives money from a one-time scholarship or loan source (for example, Federal Sub or Unsub Loan) such funds will be applied, in full, against the semester in which it is received. This may create a credit balance for the semester. A student without a credit balance is not eligible for a refund. Students who have a credit balance will receive their refunds within two weeks.

  1. Financial Aid Refunds

In the determination of a student’s financial package, the University takes into consideration any funds that are available to cover the cost of the student’s education, including funds made available for student assistance by a third party in the form of tuition assistance, scholarships, or payment on the student’s behalf.

The student is obligated to report to the University all sources of funding available to him or her, at the time of registration. The student must report any scholarships, grants, work pay, stipends, or changes in financial condition that is not specifically listed on the award notification, for possible revision of the aid award. If a student receives funds from an external source and the University, and the combined funds exceed the total cost of education at the University, the University’s allocation to the student will be reduced accordingly.

Students who have over payments (credit balances) as a result of federal financial aid do not need to request a refund. These refunds will be processed automatically.

Note: The University does not make refunds that result from a University Grant-in-Aid (UGA), a University Grant-in-Athletic-Aid (UGAA), and/or a University scholarship award. There is also no refund of fees for students who withdraw from the University as a result of suspension or dismissal.

  1. Other Refunds

A student is eligible for a refund after all charges have been posted to the student’s account. Refunds are shown as credits on the student’s account. Refunds are processed after the last day of the drop/add period. The processing takes fourteen days.


The University sends statements to students who have an outstanding balance or who have had activity on their accounts during the statement period. The statements are sent to the student at his/her permanent address.

Students are responsible for advising the University of a change of address. This may be done at the Registrar’s Office or by clicking on the student profile tab of the web registration module. Questions pertaining to billing should be directed to Student Accounts, Tyler Hall, (919) 546-8228 or (919) 743-5707.

Delinquent Accounts

The University will not issue a degree, transcript, or grade report to any student who has a delinquent account. A student with a delinquent account will not be readmitted to the University until all unpaid balances are paid.

Past due accounts are referred to a collection agency and may negatively impact the student’s credit record. Each past due account may also be charged an additional amount, which shall approximate the administrative cost incurred in collecting the past due amount, in addition to any attorney fees and reasonable collection costs incurred for collection of the past-due amount.