Jan 15, 2025  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Military Leadership Minor

Major Objectives: ROTC graduates are leaders, thinkers and decision-makers. They meet problems head-on and solve them quickly. They know how to adapt to situations and take charge. They will find that their background and experience in ROTC can be a valuable asset if they decide to pursue a civilian career or a career in the Army. The practical experience they gain by completing Leader Development and Assessment Course (LDAC) and the advance course will determine their placement in active duty or reserve and the branch they will receive in the Army.

The Military Science Program of Instruction is structured to develop and assess the following characteristics within students:

  • A strong personal integrity and a sense of duty
  • A strong sense of individual responsibility and accountability
  • An understanding of the principles of leadership, time management, and organizational structures
  • The ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing
  • A general knowledge of the historical development of the U.S. Army and its role in support of national objectives
  • An understanding of military life as a commissioned officer to include opportunities and obligations
  • Promote the development of Cadets ethical and moral perspective
  • The ability to apply principles of leadership, management, and tactics

Recommended prerequisite: Students must complete at a minimum of 18 semester hours of advanced Military Science course work. Minor in Military Leadership will be available only to Army Reserve Officer’s Training Corps (ROTC) Cadets who complete all military science requirements. Students must take the basic introductory courses in Military Science (i.e., MIS 101 , MIS 102 , MIS 201 , and MIS 202 , or meet one of the substitution requirements through an alternate entry program) as the prerequisite for this minor prior to their junior year. Completion of MIS 301 , MIS 302 , MIS 401 , MIS 402 , MIS 432  and completion of the National Advanced Leadership Camp will fulfill the advanced requirements for this minor. Application for Military Leadership will be made when Cadets contract as MIS III.

Commissioning Requirements:

The Basic Course (via class attendance and/or placement credit);

The Advanced Course

The Leader Development and Assessment Course (LDAC)

A course in Military History (MIS 432 )

ROTC Swimming requirement ( see program of instruction)

Maintain at least a 2.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA)

Pass a Department of Defense medical examination within 24 months of the date of commissioning

Pass the Army Physical Fitness Test within 60 days of the date of commissioning

Not have exceeded the 30th birthday (25th for scholarship students).

ROTC Scholarships

At Shaw University, the award of an Army ROTC scholarship may be the means to a FREE College education for qualified students. The President of the College has agreed to provide free room and board to any Shaw University student that is awarded a competitive three or four-year Army ROTC scholarship. Special consideration for any Army ROTC scholarship is given to students pursuing degrees in nursing, engineering, the physical sciences, and other technical skills currently in demand by the Army. Students who receive a scholarship will be required to attain an undergraduate degree in the field in which the scholarship is awarded.

Four-year scholarships will be awarded to students entering the ROTC program as freshmen and who successfully competed at the national level

Minimum requirements include 3.0 GPA in high school with a 920 SAT or 19 on the ACT. However, four-year scholarships are few and very competitive so students with an 1100 SAT or 21 ACT stand a better chance of receiving a four-year scholarship. Three and two-year scholarships are awarded to students currently enrolled in ROTC or Army enlisted personnel leaving Active Duty with 60 credit hours. Additionally, two-year scholarships are available to students with 60 credit hours who attend the Leader’s Training Course (LTC) at Fort Knox, KY.

These scholarships are awarded based upon outstanding performance.

Each scholarship pays for tuition, required educational fees, and provides a specified amount for books, supplies, and equipment. Each scholarship also includes a monthly stipend up to $400 (up to $4,500 a year) for every year the scholarship is in effect.

Other Scholarships

Each academic year various veterans’ organizations and other military related activities make scholarship funds available to students enrolled in Army ROTC. (Organizations making these awards are USAA, AUSA, VFW, ROCKS etc.).


All contracted Cadets receive a monthly stipend from $300 to $500 depending on their MS level, as well as payment for attending the Leader’s Training Course or the Leader Development and Assessment Course (LDAC).

Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP)

This program provides an opportunity for students who belong to a Reserve or National Guard Unit, as enlisted Soldiers, to also be members of the Army ROTC Program. As a reservist or guardsman, these students, as freshmen or sophomores, earn $3,700 for one summer by attending the enlisted basic and advanced individual training. This is in addition to money earned for the weekend drill with their unit. A student accepted for the SMP and the Army ROTC Advanced Course retains affiliation with the Reserve or Guard Unit as an officer trainee and is paid for drills and assemblies plus up to $3,000 a year in monthly stipends of $300 each. SMP members are also eligible for certain veterans’, Reserves, or National Guard’s educational benefits.

Leader Development and Assessment (LDAC) The Four-Year Curriculum

The ROTC Program is based on a four-year curriculum ultimately integrated with the normal baccalaureate degree program. Flexibility is provided through a number of options and alternatives. These alternatives recognize previous military related experience and provide accelerated or compressed instruction to allow late entry into the program.

The Four Year Program is Divided into Two Parts: The Basic Course and The Advanced Course

The Basic Course is usually taken during the freshman and sophomore (MS I and MS II, respectively) years of College and covers such subjects as management principles, national defense, physical fitness, and leadership development. There is no military obligation for enrollment in the Basic Course. After they have completed the basic course, students who have demonstrated the potential to become officers and who have met the physical, moral and scholastic standards are eligible to enroll in the advanced course.

The Advanced Course is usually taken during the Junior and Senior years (MS III and MS IV, respectively). It includes instruction in organization and management, tactics, ethics, professionalism, and further leadership development. During the summer between their junior and senior years, advanced course Cadets attend Leader Development and Assessment Course (LDAC) for 35 days. This camp gives Cadets the chance to put into practice the theories and principles they learned in the classroom and introduces them to Army life both in garrison and in the field. At LDAC they compete with Cadets from schools around the nation. Camp evaluations may influence whether or not Cadets go Active Duty or Reserve Duty and the branch or job they will receive in the Army.

The Two-Year Program

The Two-Year Program is designed for student with 60 credit hours; juniors, and community college graduates, veterans with prior college credit, students at four-year Colleges who did not take ROTC during their first two years, students entering a two-year, post-graduate course of study and high school students who plan to attend military junior Colleges. To enter the Two-Year Program, students must first attend a fully paid, five weeks Leader’s Training Course (LTC), normally held during the summer between their sophomore and junior years of College (or approved placement credit). After successfully completing Basic Camp, students who meet necessary requirements may enroll in the Advanced Course.

Placement Credit

Veterans, Reservists, or students with at least three years of Junior ROTC training seeking enrollment in the Advanced Course may be given credit for up to three (3) semester(s) of Basic Course Training. Eligible students may apply to the Professor of Military Science. Students with a DD- 214 or Army transcripts may apply to have Basic Training (BT) and Advance Individual Training (AIT), applied to their college transcripts for 3 credit hours each.

Select Training Program

Highly motivated and very promising students may be selected by the Professor of Military Science for participation in elite off-campus summer training programs. These include Airborne School, Cadet Troop Leader Training, Air Assault School, Cultural Understanding and Language Proficiency, and Northern Warfare Training.

Textbooks, Uniforms, and Equipment

All military uniforms such as the Army Combat Uniform, Class A or Army Service uniforms, and Physical Training Sweats are provided free of charge. Textbooks for the basic course are also free while advanced course students pay a minimum fee for books. Students are highly encouraged to purchase a pair of running shoes.

Course Tuition

ROTC is taken free of charge. If ROTC creates a situation where the student is placed in an overload status, no overload fee will be assessed for credit hours earned through Military Science instruction.

ROTC Course Substitution Arrangement

A student enrolled in the ROTC Program will have the opportunity to substitute certain ROTC courses for certain regular College courses of the General Education Program. This opportunity is provided to accommodate the student who plans to continue in ROTC for commissioning and the student whose participation in ROTC is restricted to a specific length of time. See ROTC advisor and/or academic major advisor for advisement about enrollment in other ROTC substitutions.

Credit for a course after withdrawal from the ROTC Program will require a statement of support from the Professor of Military Science, verifying the student’s inability or ineligibility to continue in the ROTC Program. Note: It is the student’s responsibilities to provide documented evidence supporting their inability or ineligibility to continue in the ROTC program.

Military Science Courses for Substitutions:

Regular Shaw Courses

  • General Education/Physical Activities (1)
  • General Education/Physical Activities (2)

Enrollment Requirements Basic Course:

  • Be of good moral character
  • Be U.S. citizens, there are limited exceptions as approved by PMS
  • Be at least 17 years old to begin ROTC
  • Be a full-time student at Shaw University, pursuing a course of instruction leading to an approved baccalaureate degree.

The Basic Course Requirements:

Alternate Ways of Satisfying Basic Course Requirements:

MIS 210  - Leader’s Training Course (LTC) A six-week summer camp at Fort Knox, Kentucky; Basic Course requirements, if approved by the Professor of Military Science, may be waived for veterans or other persons with prior military experience and/or training, provided they demonstrate the accepted level of performance for the Basic Course; there is no military obligation incurred by participation in the Basic Course.

Enrollment Requirements Advance Course:

  • Demonstrate leadership and officer potential
  • Have at least two full academic years remaining in College
  • Have Basic Course completion credit
  • Be medically qualified
  • Execute a written contract with the U.S. Army
  • Possess at least a 2.0 cumulative grade point average
  • Be selected by the PMS
  • Execute a loyalty oath or affirmation
  • Not be conscientious objectors
  • Be a United States citizens
  • Be enrolled full-time at Shaw University, and pursuing a course of instruction leading to an approved baccalaureate degree.

The Advanced Course Requirements:

Total 22

Additional Required Courses (Professional Military Education)

These courses may be taken during the freshman, sophomore, junior or senior year.

Computer Literacy:

  • CIS 240 Microcomputer Software Application I (3)

Application for Military Leadership minor will be made when Cadets contract as MS III.